
Better-B newsletter

The Better-B newsletters, which you can download below, provide regular news and results on the project.

If you are interested in our work, we invite to get involved with Better-B.

By registering, you will receive updates on project activities, results, and invitations to join open meetings/webinars with opportunities for you to learn and have your say about resilient beekeeping.

This newsletter is available to download in Dutch, English , French, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.

  • Third Issue — March 2025
  • Finding harmony and balance within honeybee colonies and their environment is key to resilient beekeeping. Two major threats to beekeeping are the parasite Aethina tumida and the predator Vespa velutina. These species, once absent in Europe, cause significant harm when they invade new areas. The Better-B project focusses on reducing stress on honey bees, developing new sustainable strategies to combat these insects in apiaries. For Vespa velutina, we tested five trap and attractant combinations in 12 apiaries across Italy and Spain. For Aethina tumida, we tested three types of traps in the Calabria region of Italy. Beekeepers actively participated by monitoring the traps in autumn 2024.
Dutch English French Italian Polish Portuguese Romanian
  • Second Issue — October 2024
  • Embracing harmony and balance, within honey bee colonies as well as their environment provides a solid foundation for resilient beekeeping. One aspect Better-B is addressing through its research activities is the availability of floral resources (e.g., pollen and nectar) for bees and other pollinators. We are collecting data on flowering plants and visits by insects as part of the Better-B Food Sharing Study, run in collaboration with the Danish Beekeepers Association. This is a citizen science study where observations are submitted through the web portal.
Dutch English French Italian Polish Portuguese Romanian
  • First Issue — March 2024
  • We know that reducing temperature stresses lessens honey bees energy expenditure and in turn improves brood development and disease resistance. One aspect being investigated within the Better-B project, will be beehive construction and its effect on in-hive temperatures. We focus on this topic for this first newsletter. Other newsletters outlining different aspects of the project will follow. Our work on beehive designs will provide beekeepers with advanced science and knowledge, and solutions to better maintain thermoregulation of their hives. The COA Team (CoActions, France) and UM Team (University of Montpellier, France) will use automated monitoring systems and computer simulations to develop adapted hive designs considering local materials and knowledge..
Dutch English French Italian Polish Portuguese Romanian

Better-B has received funding from the European Union, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government's Horizon Europe funding guarantee (grant number 10068544).

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, European Research Executive Agency (REA), SERI or UKRI. Neither the European Union nor the granting authorities can be held responsible for them.

© 2023 Better-B Project
Created by SCIPROM